Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 71: OOOOOOOOoooooooOOOOOOOOoooooo....

Hello dear PCP teammates! I am writing to you from beyond the grave.... because today's workout killed me.

Yes, I'm exaggerating. But, damn, it was hard! I glanced down the list of exercises just before starting and thought, okay, nothing new here. But 5x20 floor jumps was probably the death of me. For a few moments after finishing the last set, I really, truly thought I was going to throw up. I had to sit down for a couple of minutes to get my breath back and to feel like I could stand up again. I pushed through the rest of everything but it was definitely a struggle.

On the plus side, I feel like I'm finally learning how to get to failure! It still seems funny to me to be excited about failure, but since that's what we're going for, I'm hitting it. I'm learning how to keep going, even when I'm getting tired, even when I feel the muscles starting to give way, for just a couple more reps. And I feel like every time I do that, I'm really making progress.

I think I just need more sleep. It's been a very busy few days around here, which is why I haven't posted in a few days. I had a writing deadline yesterday morning, so I've been getting up at 5am to squeeze in a couple of good writing hours before anybody else is awake, then doing my workout during my daughter's naptime. This has meant a little less sleep at night and no chance of a nap for me. The good news is that a good draft of the piece is done, the editor likes it, and I'll only need to make some minor changes from here. Yippee!

Also yippee: regular suppers again! Yes, friends, I have emerged from the land of apple & egg white, and I am stronger for the experience. I think I've said before that I don't mind apple & egg white in terms of what satisfies my hunger. It's also kind of nice to not have to play the "what's for dinner tonight" game. I love that I have this simple supper in my back pocket, so to speak, that I can use anytime I want something lighter. But from a social point of view, it's been one of the hardest aspects of this project for me. We're having some friends over for dinner again tonight, and I'm looking forward to having steak & asparagus with them.

Just over three weeks left. Hard to believe. I'm trying to just give every day my best effort instead of worrying about how I'll handle myself when I'm "on my own." Anybody else worrying about this? I'm hoping that my good instincts will take over and I won't forget all the progress I've made so far.


  1. Hey Tara - we've missed you! Congrats on the good draft. And on reaching failure! And on regaining a regular dinner.

    I've been thinking a lot about your earlier post about how hard and intense the workouts have been but how you're just buckling down, getting your ass kicked AND not complaining about it. Just observing it all. This is a very helpful perspective and I've been "trying it on" during my workouts - no drama, just putting my head down and doing the work. So, thanks!

  2. Oh great, fantastic! I'm about to go start the workout...floor jumps, I HATE YOU!!! :)

    Enjoy that steak! You deserve it! Yum.

  3. We'll help you out as you transition back into regular life.

  4. I'm still having trouble embracing (or even really comprehending) failure. Glad and impressed that you are making progress with it!!

  5. i know, those floor jumps are killers! good job for getting through them. Yep i feel a bit worried about post pcp too, i dont want to undo all the good work. but Patrick will help us which is good ta know! keep up the great work!

  6. We don't have to be completely on our own. There are always ways to connect.

    Floor jumps. Impressive that you can do all of them.
