Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 73: Milestones

I don't have much time to post today but here are a couple of milestones that I wanted to share.

I am officially at the same weight I was in high school, some 15 years ago. There's been only one time since then that I was at this weight or lower, and that was in college when my boyfriend told me I wasn't skinny enough so I quit eating for a while. (That boyfriend is NOT the person I'm married to now!) And of course, as soon as I started eating again, the weight just piled back on. I still don't feel like I'm in my ideal shape but I can honestly say I'm in the best shape I have ever been. Not only is the number on the scale lower than I've seen in a long, long time, I am loving the muscles that I'm seeing! So this is even better than my high school condition.

And, also related to that weight, I finally have a "normal" BMI. (Here's a calculator if you want to find yours.) I don't know if people in other countries use this scale but it's pretty big here in the U.S. I know it's not the be-all, end-all of determining someone's health but I'm happy to see this indicator looking a lot better. When I started the PCP, I was square in the middle of the "overweight" category, and now I'm near the top of the "normal" range. Again, there's still room for improvement, but I wanted to take a moment to celebrate the progress I've made.

The other thing I want to mention is my feelings about the workout. I was finding myself often very angry about having to exercise. I can't explain where those feelings come from, but when things would get difficult or painful I would just feel really, really pissed off. A little bit panicky and scared but mostly angry. The anger itself kind of scared me -- what am I so angry about? Anyway, in the last couple of weeks, that anger has totally gone away. Interesting how the anger disappears even though the workouts feel harder than ever. But how much easier to actually do the workout when I'm not just feeling pissed off about it. Something has changed inside of me and I hope it never changes back.

UPDATE: Check out this article from today's NY Times!


  1. This is great, Tara! Congrats on being officially in the best shape of your life :-) :-) :-)

    I have been using you as my inspiration to work out every day (not as hardcore as you, but still, every day!) and I've noticed something as well: I never thought of myself as a "motivated" person (quite the opposite) but when I know that I'm going to exercise every day, while I might not look forward to it, I don't dread it either: it's just something that, on any given day, is at some point going to happen. End of story.

    I now realize that "motivation" is not a synonym for "enthusiasm," as I'd previously thought, but for "discipline"!

  2. It's so great how everyone's reaching these amazing milestones! TEAM SEXAAAY is on fire!! You've got the bug, Tara...the active bug. It gets inside of you and won't let you sit still! :)

  3. thats great Tara! yeah there were days when i was angry about doing the workout - mostly cause i was too tird.But its great where we are today!

  4. The human condition is profoundly unfair. Yes, you have to exercise and say no to so many wonderful foods and then you die anyway. It sucks and is enough to make anyone angry.

    But once you work with the unfairness of it all rather than wailing against it, things become much easier!

    High school weight with all that muscle means you're leaner than you've EVER been.

  5. Tara, it is great!
    Your post always inspire me a lot and very often I find myself feeling the same way as you are.
    This post made me very happy !!!
