Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 89: A Swirl of Emotions

Several things are coming together this weekend to make me a little bit emotional. The PCP is ending, I have a big writing deadline Monday morning, my in-laws are visiting, I'm about to start my period -- there's a lot at once. But somehow I'm not freaking out. I'm just doing what I need to do and taking it one step at a time.

Today's workout was really tough, but I felt pretty good afterwards. I liked setting up my little stations to move from one exercise to the next. I felt kind of badass. I have constant problems with confidence, and I kept thinking to myself today, "Look at what you're doing! You are really strong!" I was so proud that I made that workout my BITCH.

And now my shoulders are killing me and my legs are talking to me a little bit. I'll probably be sore as hell in the morning.

And I'm very curious to know more about the special Day 90 workout, since I haven't seen it yet. I'm guessing it'll be 5 minutes of levitation, followed by bending a spoon with my mind. Am I right, Patrick?

I have a lot of thoughts about what this whole process has done for me, but not enough time to put them all down right now. I've got another busy day ahead of me tomorrow, so I need to get some sleep. Thinking of all my PCP pals tonight, as we start to move into the post-PCP world.


  1. You've already bent the spoon. Because the spoon is your mind! Which I JUST BLEW OH YEAH!!

  2. Levitation, yeeeesssss! Now, THAT is something to strive for!

    I just saw the complete next to our names. Whoa! 90 days ago, I couldn't pictures this day. Today, I'm still having a hard time with it. Well, nothing to do but go finish up with Workout 90! 90 days of working out, holy crap!
