First, I am just amazed by the support of my PCP teammates (and PCPers further along the path) after my post yesterday about knee pain. This is one of the greatest values of this program: to know that we're all doing this together, even though we don't know each other, even though we're spread out all over the world. We have a common goal and we're going to work to get each other through this process. All of your comments made me feel so much better.
I like to do things perfectly. I know this about myself. Sometimes I find that if I can't do something perfectly, I don't want to do it at all. Until yesterday, I had been perfect on this program, but then I was faced with knee pain that made jumping difficult. So the choice becomes: continue to try and be perfect (i.e., jump anyway and maybe have even more pain) or try to make a wise choice that will keep me moving forward in a healthy way.
My husband (who is a doctor) advised 600 mg of ibuprofen every 8 hours, and then he suggested I go swimming for my exercise today. I used to love swimming laps, but I haven't done it in probably 20 years. I cancelled my membership at the YMCA before starting the PCP, but I still have privileges through the end of June, so I have a pool I can use. He's suggested swimming before, as a good non-impact cardio exercise, but I've always been put off by a) wearing a swimsuit, b) having to buy goggles, c) dealing with my long wet hair afterwards. Etc etc etc. I can always find a reason to avoid something.
But this morning I went to buy goggles (after getting my new PCP diet sheet printed & laminated -- woo hoo!), then I headed to the pool. I swam 20 lengths of a 25-meter pool, which took me about 20 minutes. Wow, swimming is tough! Full-body exercise, really had me panting, but happily was putting no pressure on my sore knee. I feel lucky that today is our "rest" day with no strength training, and I'm planning to just chill out for the next couple of hours (daughter's naptime) and rest that knee as much as possible.
Elena's reminder that diet is 80% of success here was super-helpful in lessening my anxiety, but I feel really good that I didn't skip a workout. Going to the pool is still a hassle -- 20 minute drive there, have to tote all my stuff, wet hair, 20 minute drive home -- so I don't think I'll make it a habit. I'm very grateful to be able to jump rope at home and then just hop in the shower.
So thanks everybody for the support. And congratulations to all of us for completing 14 days! Big changes have already occurred, and more are on the way...
UPDATE: I just have to share this link with all of you, in the spirit of bacon chocolate chip pancake mix. Turns out, Jimmy Dean had it first!
Dude! Pancakes and sausage on a stick! Awesome...wait, no, gross? No, awesome. But, I will not be eating any of that in the near future! :)
ReplyDeleteI miss swimming! I was on the swim team in high school and it IS an intense workout. I was always so hungry after! :) Glad you found a way to take some pressure off that knee!
You can also do a brisk 30 min walk. We'll talk about options soon.
ReplyDeleteThe knee will get better!
You got it girl. Sounds like you're making great choices...
ReplyDeletegood stuff Tara! ooh i love swimming, i used to swim when I was younger. I love the pool smell! but yeah, im not too keen on getting into a swimsuit either! mayby when we near the end of PCP!