Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 23: Resistance is futile

It was 85 degrees F (29.4 C) at 9:00 this morning so I went to the gym to get on the elliptical. I don't know anything about soccer but I watched the USA-Algeria match anyway. 30 minutes went by quickly. Felt good, sweating buckets.

Triceps dips = hilarious. I tried for the first time to do them with straight legs, and my ass just fell right on the floor. OK, then, I guess I'm not ready for that. I did the maximum number of reps with bent legs, while paying careful attention to make sure I was using my arms to get up and down, rather than just lifting my butt up and down. Youch.

LEG UPS. ARE. AWFUL. I was getting a little cocky because they had been getting a little easier, but something was different today and I was groaning before the end of my first set (of four). I was glad that nobody else was home because I was yowling through the last two sets. I considered skipping the last set. I reallllly thought about it. After all, who's going to know? Oh, right, me.

This is marking a major shift in my thinking about diet & exercise. Before PCP, I tended to eat pretty well in front of other people because I didn't want to be judged, but I ate all sorts of crap when I was alone. (This post from Patrick really made me think.) This is hard for me to admit, but there it is. But my body didn't know if I was alone or in a crowd -- calories are calories. I don't know why it took me so long to get that magical thinking doesn't work in this arena, but I finally understand.

Same with exercise -- I could skip that last set of leg-ups and nobody would be the wiser. But the muscles I was working won't get that last wringing out. I realized, as I was lying on the floor, that the only way to get the benefit of the exercise was to DO IT. Major duh, I know. But when you're trying to find a way to get out of doing something painful and difficult, you can be incredibly creative. You've heard the phrase "the wisdom of no escape?" There was no escape from the friggin leg-ups. So I did them. Yowling.

Is it possible to eat too much avocado on the PCP? Cause I'm digging in nearly every day now. Big ups to my husband, who made guacamole last night and set aside a separate salt-free portion for me!

OK, naptime. Hope everybody's day is going well!


  1. haha DAMN THEM LEG UPS!!!!!!! i'm SO looking forward to them today. haha deeath.

    You're doing an amazing job! i'm glad you pushed through on those awful leg ups regardlesss of how annnoying they are!

    keep it up!

  2. yowling helps. I have scared the cat and human members of my household struggling through leg-ups, v-sits and kung-fu sit-ups. It's good to keep them all on their toes.

  3. when i yowl, obscenities come out. but, oddly, it's not the leg-ups that get's the sit-ups. holy crap the whole last set makes me unable to move for a good few minutes after.

  4. PCPers, avocado is fine for a weighed vegetable because it's so heavy, but if you're going nuts with it on an AMAYW portion you might want to watch that.

  5. Duly noted, Patrick. Thanks for the clarification!
