Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 30: Change in routine

Just time for a brief post today, but I decided to change things up and do my workout first thing in the morning instead of once my daughter goes to daycare. I crept out of bed at 6am and was finished by a little after 7, then had time to shower and eat breakfast since my daughter slept uncharacteristically late. It was good! I really like getting it taken care of early, and then I have her daycare time and her naptime to do other things. The downside? I was in bed by 10pm, but couldn't get to sleep until somewhere around midnight. I know I didn't get enough sleep but I feel pretty good so far, at almost 2pm now. I'm going to try another early morning workout tomorrow.

Chest dips? Nuh-uh. I don't have enough strength and control to lift myself up and down, so I settled for just getting my feet off the floor and holding myself up. Over and over and over. That seemed to make my chest muscles burn, so I think that's a good way to start. Leg-ups were murderous today. Creep made me laugh because I just collapsed backwards onto the floor at the end of every set.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention: I'm jumping again! Yay! A few days ago I realized that I wasn't having any more knee pain. I started with 100 jumps and have been adding 100 jumps a day, so now I'm up to 400. My jump-roping technique needs some work but I think I'll be back up to speed before long. I'm reminded again of how hard it can be, and how frustrating sometimes, but it simplifies my workout so much to be able to just jump. I like having the option to walk or swim if I feel like it, but I'm really happy to be back to jumping.

30 days, baby! That's one-third of the way through!


  1. Yes, I really love the morning work-outs! It feels so good to get it out of the way and not have to worry about it the rest of the day.

    Glad to hear you're back jumping! It is easier than having to plan extra time for other stuff. Go, Tara, go!

  2. Huzzah the knee is back in the game! Morning workouts burn more fat if that makes you feel any better about them!

  3. Oh! I missed my morning workouts two days in a row .... and as I read your post I told myself no more staying up late and get up early!!!

    I am soooo glad that you're back jumping! Enjoy your time during the day!!!

  4. Thats awesome your jumping again! i know, i couldnt do the chest dips so well - felt like i was gona snap my arms or something!
